The Compass Rose Health And Wellness Centre Counselling
Why Counselling is different here
Our Chillax Area | Holistic Not Medical Model | Relationship Based Counselling
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Our centre boasts a relaxing and tranquil ambiance, unique to our commitment to provide healing opportunities in a friendly home-like environment. Our caring health and wellness professionals work together facilitating growth and fostering change by creating a unique atmosphere that encourages personal development, relaxation and promotes wholeness.
Holistic Approach To Wellness
Here at The Compass Rose, you will receive the opportunity to select which service(s) and/or service professional(s) are best suited for you. We work in collaboration to produce optimal health and wellness benefits, without the need for referral from another healthcare practitioner. The Compass Rose Health and Wellness Centre understands and recognizes that your treatment plan’s success, ultimately begins and ends with you. YOU are the expert in your life and we acknowledge that no two people are identical, therefore, treatments need to be individually tailored to be effective. The most informed person to make these choices is YOU. While we have the training, experience and knowledge to provide a diverse assortment of treatment modalities, only you can determine what works best for you, what meets your needs, improves your health and supports your journey for wellness. It is our hope to become a catalyst in helping you navigate through life’s challenges and support you during your quest for wholeness and emotional intelligence. The Compass Rose gives you more choice and the option of building health and wellness into your life rather than it being an interruption to it. Holistic healing involves consideration of all aspects of a person - mind, body, spirit and emotions - in the pursuit for optimal health and wellness. This is achieved through offering various service disciplines tailored to individual wellness demands and treatment goals. The holistic model examines all facets of human existence, seeing each client as a whole person, rather than a set of “problems” or “issues” to “fix” and works to strengthen and foster self-awareness.
Relationship-based Counselling
Therapists at The Compass Rose Health and Wellness Centre adopt the relationship-based treatment model by utilizing the therapeutic relationship to motivate, inspire and expedite healthy development in the life of their clients. This treatment model is based on the fundamental assumption that all individuals are intrinsically valuable, are deserving of love, attention and respect, with hidden potential and will naturally move toward self-awareness as essential needs are satisfied. Accordingly, in relational therapy, the client is partnered in an open, authentic and trustworthy therapeutic relationship. The intent is to foster understanding and meet core client needs without diminishing the client to an object to be manipulated, controlled, weakened or later “fixed”. To simplify, relationship-based counselling involves the relational joining and collaborative process developed with a client to distinguish, engage and pacify core conflicts and needs, culminating in genuine movement toward self-awareness.
Our goal as therapists at The Compass Rose is to provide a platform for self-discovery and assist the client in satisfying fundamental needs. This ultimately allows for further attention to be made available for higher order needs of self-actualization and self-esteem, where the opportunity might not naturally exist. Here, at The Compass Rose, we strive to breakdown barriers to treatment and maintain therapeutic relationships that enhance wellbeing and are client-centred, uniquely tailored to individual treatment goals and objectives. It is our belief and (research agrees) what many therapists have known intuitively, that the therapeutic relationship itself is fundamental to the success a client achieves and accounts for why some clients improve (or fail to improve) at least as much as the specific treatment modality used.
Our team of mental health professionals offer counselling therapy from an established practice, providing compassionate, confidential, personalized counselling services. Our team of practitioners offer clients a diverse collection of therapeutic techniques and utilize various treatment modalities in a quest to provide a safe and inviting atmosphere, conducive to personal growth and development and that meets your health and wellness goals.
Professionals that Care
Dr Mike is a Registered Counselling Therapist, a consultant you hire to come alongside of you and help you to see more clearly what your problems are.
With over 40+ years of professional counselling experience, Dr Mike can help make sense of what is confusing or painful in your life and has been privileged to work with many people over the years. Therefore, he has seen and heard many (if not all) of the things you wish you could talk about.
Dr Mike provides a safe place to talk and work out the things that have been troubling you. The centre he designed is aimed at providing safety and ease of access for our community without the need for referrals or long wait periods for service. Its tranquil atmosphere and unique ambiance provides his clients with opportunities for relaxation and renewal. Call or visit THE COMPASS ROSE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE today to make your next appointment with Dr Mike and begin your path to healing and wholeness.
Remember that, “Life Happens…And Dr Mike Can Help!”
Jen is a Child and Youth Counsellor (CYC) with over 15+ years experience working with children and youth in various capacities.
With a background in law enforcement and working with troubled youth, Jen specializes in facilitating change in children and youth (and their families) experiencing a wide range of social, emotional, behavioural and/or complex mental health needs.
Jen is committed to understanding and interacting with clients in a therapeutic relationship that fosters positive growth and development. She listens and works collaboratively with you to enhance strengths and expand personal resources that foster growth.
Call or visit THE COMPASS ROSE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE today to make your next appointment with Jen and begin your journey to self-discovery.
PHONE: 902-346-2158 (Front desk reception)
Remember that, “Life Happens…And Jen Can Help!”
For almost 40 years, Ken has worked as a social worker and therapist supporting individuals and families in times of difficulty and stress in their lives. As well as offering his skills and experience, a focus of Ken’s work has been helping individuals of all ages discover and use their personal strengths and resources. Ken’s goal is to most efficiently help you address areas in your life which are negatively impacting your current and future happiness.
Ken’s warmth and kindness is reflected in the work that he does with individuals and families, mirrored in the tranquil ambiance of THE COMPASS ROSE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE.
Call or visit Ken at THE COMPASS ROSE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE today to book your next appointment and experience the many benefits that counselling therapy can offer.
KEN OSBOURNE - “Experience and Expertise You Can Trust”.
Marlene Johns - Counsellor, MEd , RCT, CCC
Marlene Johns is a Registered Counselling Therapist who works with adults, young clients (children/adolescents), and families experiencing difficulty with issues related to anxiety, depression, traumatic stress, self-esteem, low self-confidence, anger, aggression, social anxiety, fears, grief and loss, separation/divorce, adoption/stepfamily issues, major life transitions, and family conflicts which may be preventing them from living a happier and healthier life.
Marlene specializes in helping adults, young clients (children/adolescents), and families learn new skills, techniques and ways of coping to improve relationships, and to experience a better quality of life.
Marlene is committed to building a therapeutic relationship built on trust, collaboration, and compassion. She provides a supportive and non-judgemental environment where clients can openly engage in caring, courageous conversations about emotional and behavioural problems. Marlene is culturally competent and has worked with clients from diverse cultures.
Begin your path to healing by seeing Marlene Johns today at THE COMPASS ROSE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE.
“Life Happens…And We Can Help!”
Call/Email Marlene today and begin your path to healing!
Elizabeth Anne Clarke - Counsellor, MACP, RCT, CCC
From time to time, we all face challenges that can be overwhelming. Sometimes these challenges are situational, but they can also be the result of our lived experience(s) over time. Often they manifest as anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and self harm. These manifestations can lead to further challenges such as job loss, family conflict, isolation, and addiction. Although we may flounder or experience failure, we can develop the strategies needed to live a flourishing life. Integrative therapeutic approaches including Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Positive Psychotherapy, and Solution Focused Therapy teach us how to live well.
In order to live a flourishing life, it is important to recognize our strengths and identify our assets. Too much time spent focusing on personal deficits can impede progress. Instead, by recognizing and shifting away from negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors, we can cultivate positive emotions, healthy relationships and a sense of purpose.
I understand what it feels like to experience loss. I know how hard it is to overcome anger and fear. I recognize that it takes commitment, effort, and courage to explore the past, embrace the present, and imagine the future. However, by interrupting the status quo, you will create opportunities to develop ways of being that will inspire new possibilities.
Call or email Elizabeth Anne Clarke for a free phone consultation now - 902-906-5230
Gordon Power - BA, MEd, RSW - R, RCT
Gordon is a therapist with over 30 years experience in the field of addictions, working with individuals struggling with alcohol, drug and gambling problems, while also offering smoking cessation services. Gordon also works with family members, aimed at providing support during recovery processes. As an experienced therapist, he can assist clients in addressing these issues by utilizing a “biological, psychological, social, spiritual” model of recovery, aimed at providing support to the whole person.
As a client, you can expect to develop personal insight into the problems substance use creates, while providing opportunity for positive change in your life. Gordon achieves this by providing a safe space and maintaining a caring and collaborative environment for his clients to share. Call today to find out more about how Gordon can help and visit THE COMPASS ROSE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE to view other services available to you and your family.
Contact Gordon today to book your session and see him at THE COMPASS ROSE HEALTH AND WELLNESS CENTRE.
THE COMPASS ROSE is here to help by providing dedicated professionals like Gordon who have many years of knowledge and expertise.
Call/email Gordon Power today to begin your journey to wellness and visit him at THE COMPASS ROSE.
“Life Happens…And We Can Help”
Connect with Gordon Power today! ___________________________________
Counselling FAQ’s
Counselling FAQ
What Is An RCT
Registered Counselling Therapists (also known as RCT’s) are master’s or doctoral level clinicians who have had specific training in the art and science of doing therapy and are Regulated Health Professionals. In Nova Scotia, RCT’s belong to the Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists (NSCCT). The college carries out the licensing function and all professional discipline should such functions be required.
What Is The Difference Between The Various Types Of Mental Health Therapists?
There is considerable confusion in the public’s mind about the similarities and differences between Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Social Workers, Registered Counselling Therapists (RCTs), and other Counsellors/Therapists. The short answer is that:
1) as a discipline Psychiatrists tend to be medication based, and do not routinely do talk therapy; they are medical doctors first who then went on to specialize in psychiatry,
2) Psychologists tend to be more about standardized testing, assessment and diagnosis - most useful when you need a report for court or to gain access to services in the educational system, and many psychologists do not actually do any treatment beyond providing an assessment report,
3) Social Workers tend to be about societal change, child protection, and income assistance, but mater’s level (MSW) social workers may have additional training in talk therapy - or may not - they may have got their MSW degree in administration or some other topic, while
4) Registered Counselling Therapists (RCT’s) are primarily trained to do talk therapy, their focus is on helping develop therapeutic change in individuals, groups, families and couples
5) Other Counsellors/Therapists are generally trained to provide talk therapy and may or may not have additional education in specific areas of concentration related to psychotherapy. It is true however that there is a great deal of overlap between the various disciplines. Select practitioners in each discipline may have gone on for additional training and become highly skilled talk therapists (sometimes called psychotherapists) and all of the above identified groups have a foundation in scholarship and research - often referring to research and theories developed in one or more of the other disciplines to inform their talk therapy practice within their own discipline.
What About Specific Therapy Types?
Individual advanced therapies like Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Narrative Therapy, Family Systems Therapy (there are many types), Somatic Experiencing Therapy, Emotionally Focused Therapy, and Inner Child Therapy (to name just a few proven and effective therapies that are out there) may be available from select individuals from each of the groups identified above. However, these are all therapies that are generally added to the clinician’s basic skills after graduation from their degree program and are available as advanced training to individuals in any of these disciplines. Therefore, when looking for a therapist it is more important to check for the training level and amount of experience of the therapist you choose rather than their specific discipline (Psychiatrist, RCT, Social Worker, Psychologist, or Other Counsellor/Therapist).
What Type Of Therapist Is Best For Me?
So, which type of therapist is right for you? Generally, you should make your choice of therapist based more on the individual skills and experience level of the clinician rather than the label of which discipline they received their training in. A complicating factor is that many people prefer to use up their employee benefits and have to check which (if any) groups of therapists have been added to the list of approved regulated health professionals by the employer/insurance company (consult your benefits manager and if you don’t see the type of clinician represented on that list that you wish to hire - ask why not - it may be a fairly simple thing to get the HR department to ask the insurance company to adjust it’s policy to include the type of therapist you would prefer).
Remember that most individuals with mental health problems do not need an extensive written assessment nor do you need an official written diagnosis to get help from most competent clinicians. If you really need a written assessment, any of the six disciplines can write an assessment - however, if you need a written diagnosis you will probably tend towards seeing a psychologist or a psychiatrist. An alternative option is that a family doctor can review an assessment from a Social Worker or a Registered Counselling Therapist and based on that information form an opinion and issue a written diagnosis that is just as valid in law as one written by a psychologist or a psychiatrist. However, the educational system tends to insist on a written diagnosis being provided by a psychologist to qualify for specific funding or modifications to programs of study. These are rules and policies carried over from the past when psychiatrists and psychologists were the only licensed professions in the field … not all systems, including the educational system, have caught up with the current reality.
How Do I Find Someone Competent To Help Me?
No one discipline is superior to any other when it comes to talk therapy (psychotherapy). You can find competent and experienced clinicians in each discipline. Check online with the various directories that list mental health therapists. They often list their training, credentials, areas of study and expertise. Then it is a matter of interviewing some likely candidates to see if you feel like you could work well together. Don’t be afraid to change therapists after one or two sessions if you feel that you are not working well together or that you need something different. And don’t be afraid to talk directly to your therapist about not feeling right about your therapeutic fit. If may be that the therapist can alter their approach to be more in line with what you were expecting or they may have a reason why they are approaching your problem the way they are and would welcome a chance to explain their approach and why they think it is a good fit for you and your issues. Conversation is of course the core of talk therapy so please feel free to ask questions or make observations.
What About Insurance And Claiming Mental Health Therapy As A Tax Expense?
All fees from regulated health professionals are eligible to be claimed as tax deductions under the medical expenses section of your tax return. However, it is trickier regarding getting reimbursement from an employee benefits insurance program as each policy is individually negotiated and written. So, check with your benefit’s coordinator and, ask for them to add licensed health professionals to your policy - Social Workers and RCT’s can often be added to an existing policy at no added cost to the employer - and your cost savings is also the employer’s cost saving.
What Will It Cost To See A Licensed Mental Health Care Provider?
Psychiatrists are much more expensive to see ($300/hour and up) and often have a waiting list of about one year to get in to see them. And remember many psychiatrists only prescribe medications and do not do talk therapy. Psychologists are the second most expensive with hourly rates of about $190 an hour and up and tend to have waiting lists of 1 to 6 months or more. Social Workers and RCT’s tend to be similar in cost per hour at about $100-$150/hour (depending on experience and level of training - some have PhDs, have done advanced study, or have decades of experience). Waiting lists for Social Workers and RCT’s are usually just a couple of weeks or they may be able to fit you in in a matter of a couple of days.
Unlicensed counsellors may be able to see you very quickly and change between $50-$80/hour but will not be covered by insurance nor in most cases are their fees tax deductible. They do not have licensing bodies to complain to if you believe they have done something wrong, may or may not carry malpractice insurance, and may or may not have the level of preparation you expect out of your talk therapy practitioner. Again, individual differences mean that some unlicensed counsellors may be highly skilled. You simply need to decide what you are looking for in a talk therapy counsellor, and which individual therapist is most likely to meet your needs. Research indicates that most of the benefit from talk therapy comes from having a good therapeutic fit between therapist and client. So, keep looking until you find the therapist that fits for you.
How Do I Decide To
Use My Insurance Coverage Or Not?
Counselling Therapy @ THE COMPASS ROSE
Are There Any Pitfalls I Should Avoid?
A word about insurance coverage. While most of us prefer to get our money’s worth when it comes to our employment benefits, you may need to exercise caution. If your vehicle has transmission problems - you don’t get the window crack fixed just because you have glass coverage. You need a transmission specialist, or your vehicle will not be useful. Likewise, in talk therapy - going to a psychologist or a psychiatrist just because that is what your insurance plan covers may not be a wise move depending on the amount of therapy needed. Since their fees are higher you will run through your coverage faster and in the case of $300 or $500 or even $1000 or more annual average you may not even get through the assessment phase of therapy before your insurance runs out. At that point you will be paying the higher amount per hour with no additional monetary support and it may cost you more than if you just paid for therapy yourself but with a clinician who charges less. On the other hand, the size of the fee does not necessarily mean a better/or less prepared therapist. Your choice should be based on your needs verses the clinician’s skills, the style of therapy that works best for you, and the availability of the therapist - not just whether your employee benefits cover that kind of therapist.
We hear stories every day of people who have spent all their employee benefits and much more only to receive a written assessment report that they neither need nor want - and then are told that the mental health professional only does assessments they don’t do therapy. Which means that the money has been effectively wasted.